=== Price Comparison Pro === == Changelog == = 3.86 BETA (9th August 2022) = * Added rule to remove /cache/xyz/ from image URL if the image is failing to load * Updated display style to put merchant logo in right hand side column above the price - makes more sense here * Added conditional code for search comparison widget so it doesn't break the page if the settings have not yet been configured = 3.85 BETA (21st March 2022) = * Added auto image selectors to scrape images and put them in comparison table * Added image fallback to logo if image cannot be scraped * Added h1, title scraper to display in comparison table * Still in Beta because the table no longer sorts and prices do not update = 3.84 BETA (21st March 2022) = * Changed to use a single display type - panel upgraded * Changed display to include scraped images (needs basic selector created) and scraped h1 or title tag (no selector required) * Made display panel look a lot nicer * Fixed the Rimi bug - if is found in the elements matched by the CSS selector, the price inside sup will be added following a decimal price to the previous found price e.g. 25 99 other stuff becomes 25.99 * Fixed the regex scrapers so you can now scrape prices from anywhere on the page, including inside JSON objects = 3.83 (17th March 2022) = * Added translation files = 3.82 (17th March 2022) = * Fixed regex scrapers so that they do not escape characters * Added localisation for front-end table display * Changed default display type to panel = 3.81 (25th February 2022) = * Added support - many websites now use html tags to contain pennies. This means the decimal place is missing. Price Comparison Pro now correctly converts this to pennies. = 3.80 (23rd February 2022) = * Added Rocket Scrape third party scraper option as per user request from @Marius * Added backtick CSS price concatenation operator - e.g. if a price you are scraping does not include any kind of decimal places, then you technically need two selectors. These are implemented with a backtick `. e.g. https://foundthru.com/scraping-prices-where-no-decimal-place-exists-in-the-html/ = 3.79 BETA (12th July 2021) = * Updated HTML output to include pchiddenprice and pcprice - sorts by pchiddenprice (numeric, no currency symbols, holds cheapest of retail & sale price), displays pcprice * Fixed panel and div sorting to use pchiddenprice - fixes sorting broken in last beta * Added hidden sale price too - for when woo gets updated, it needs the retail and sale price in order to update woo = 3.78 BETA (1st July 2021) = * Refactored database price cache to include storage of retailprice and sale price in addition to price * Refactored front-end display to always use Javascript to produce the data in the panel (so there's a single codepath for bugfixes and improvements) * Added saleprice to price output if it's different to retail price and non-zero - retail price inside and sale price inside * Added some basic CSS for strikethrough of price and grey colour = 3.77 BETA (1st July 2021) = * Added detection for 50p, 50c etc to be identified as 0.50 rather than £50 * Added prelimenary work for showing both SALE and REGULAR price with regular price inside with strikethrough applied = 3.76 (April 2021) = * Minor CSS styling improvements = 3.75 (21st April 2020) = * Fixed bug with missing configs for scraped domains - now it will correctly revert back to the default config if you have not specified a config * Improved debug for product detail page in javascript console - https://www.wpintense.com/knowledgebase/how-to-debug-price-comparison-pro-scraper-issues-from-your-price-comparison-table/ * Added some checks against the domain in settings page since this is a common source of support questions - basically prevent people inserting https:// when they shouldn't * Made a minor modification to the code that saves sale prices - had a report (https://www.wpintense.com/question/sale-price-and-regular-price-conflict/) that sale prices are not saving to the database = 3.74 (30th September 2020) = * Added new WPI Settings page where users can enter their license key to enable plugin updates = 3.73 (30th June 2020) = * Added new decimal separator config to websites so you can specify , or . as separators * Specifically fixed bol.com who use a with an image as a decimal separator. This should work for other websites that do this too. = 3.72 (20th August 2019) = * Fixed DB update bug causing errors on activation = 3.71 (27th July 2019) = * Fixed warning message that was appearing since last update due to new displaystyle added to autowoo = 3.70 (25th July 2019) = * Added 'displaystyle' option to shortcode pricecomparisonpro_woocommerce so now you can have whatever style in your WooCommerce automatic price comparison (floatleft, floatright, panel, fullwidth) * Removed warning message from initial empty setups if currency was not configured = 3.69 (19th July 2019) = * Changed default display to panel, except for automatic woocommerce summary which is defaulting to 'floatright' = 3.68 (18th July 2019) = * Fixed another bug related to , as thousands vs . as thousands separator * Removed broken code to set 'out of stock' - will replace it with text search for relevant text to confirm out of stock OR 404 from URL = 3.67 (30th May 2019) = * Fixed bug causing £3,000 to be treated as £30.00 * Fixed Panel display not updating prices * Fixed price ordering so it automatically orders on page load and so that panel ordering works again now * Changed Last checked: text to use a span with class .lastchecked so you can override the text displayed using CSS = 3.66 (6th May 2019) = * Fixed admin debug and logging css when long URLs were present * Added 'latest price' table for internal use * Fixed outofstock bug where items were being incorrectly being marked out of stock even when prices from other in-stock merchants existed * Fixed bug for some themes causing javascript to not correctly update price and affiliate link directly on the page * Fixed bug with sorting results - out of stock items now correctly are placed at the bottom * Fixed bug where price was not being updated on the page through JavaScript. It now correctly updates prices and affiliate links directly through JavaScript rather than requiring a page-refresh = 3.65 (23rd March 2019) = * Changed price check to > 0 instead of != 0 to avoid broken or out of stock items being marked as price 0 = 3.64 (21st March 2019) = * Hardened the admin page so that you do not need to enter a price selector if you're only scraping images = 3.62 (22nd February 2019) = * Fixed bug with search comparison form required productname (now you don't) = 3.61 (7th February 2019) = * Fixed spinner on dynamic search widget so that if no items found it gets correctly set to 0 instead of remaining as a spinner * Fixed price caching so on new page loads, it will avoid refetching prices from server (even if those were actually cached) according to cache age in settings - this speeds things up quite a bit * Fixed Out of stock messages so out of stock correctly displayed. * Added last-scraped-time - we have pricetime and scrapetime - this helps with times when a scrape occurs but a price is not actually found so pricetime could not be set properly * Moved caching from transients into custom database table - paving the way for price history to come * Fixed woocommerce update so it will mark items as out of stock - EVEN IF EXTERNAL/AFFILIATE IMAGE - this is now using a postmeta field * To support new out of stock feature, price html is filtered - if a product becomes out of stock, the price gets a strike-through and then out of stock gets added * Hardended code to prevent setting woocommerce prices to 0 when product is out of stock, correctly now sets parameter for out of stock (woocommerce doesn't allow stock control of affiliate products) * Fixed manual refresh so it also updates woocommerce if configured and if needed * DB structure for URLs altered slightly to support last price caching * URLs properly decoded now so cache hits happen in all cases where prices are cached = 3.60 (4th January 2019) = * Added brand new 'dynamic search form widget'. Now it's possible to add a search form to your pages and allow your users to search through your affiliates * Added scraperapi functionality to search widgets * Improved localisation options for search widgets * Improved price finder technology * Added some other new options to search comparison settings page to configure websites * Other additions related to 'search comparison widget' and 'dynamic search form' = 3.53 (20th December 2018) = * Fixed upgrade compatibility from really old version of Price Comparison Pro = 3.52 (20th December 2018) = * Fixed the 'search comparison' shortcode so it now correctly scrapes search results and displays them = 3.50 (28th November 2018) = * Major upgrade * New background scraper capabilities added * New debug and scraper fixing screens added * New logging screen added to make it easy to see what's working and what's not * New ability to bulk import product URLS from Datafeedr * Added gallery scraping compatibility with External Images plugin * Bulk website configuration capability added to help you get started * ScraperAPI capability added - you can now scrape using your own server, with a proxy, through WPI scraping service (with or without proxy), or with Scraper API = 3.14 (23rd May 2018) = * Added new 'panel' layout = 3.13 (17th May 2018) = * Fixed currency issue involving , and . and > 10000 = 3.12 (12th March 2018) = * Further fix for 'header' warning = 3.11 (11th March 2018) = * Fixed 'header' warning (being output too early) when using shortcode * Fixed broken 'sale price' retrieval * Fixed duplicate URL problem where prices would sometimes appear twice in price panel * Improved performance of saving prices, only ever saves now when it really needs to = 3.10 (10th February 2018) = * Fixed broken skimlinksid = 3.09 (18th December 2017) = * Fixed bug related to empty prices setting WooCommerce price to zero = 3.08 (30th November 2017) = * Fixed bug that caused woocommerce price update to happen multiple times * Fixed bug that caused 'related products' to adopt price of updated WooCommerce price = 3.07 = * Fixed bug that caused widget to multiply when the woocommerce shortcode was added multiple times * Fixed bug that caused a 'manual price refresh' to update all prices for that domain when there were multiple widgets on the page * Fixed shortcode to return HTML rather than echo it - this should improve display in many themes significantly * Added 3 styles to shortcode to allow user to display floatright, floatleft or fullwidth = 3.06 = * Fixed bug for updating woocommerce prices that occurred on initial page load * Improved detection of currency locale to fix prices with commas and decimals = 3.05 = * Prevent Price Comparison Pro widget showing when only the 1 URL to compare * Fix 'scrape type' saving bug per-website for price comparison pro widget * Allow attempts at scraping even if no domain set up for the website * Fixed cookies config * Fixed 3 decimal places bug = 3.04 = * Added currency per website for search comparison * Added currency per website for price comparison * Fixed price search for search comparison to use pattern matching rather than CSS * Made admin screens fit inside 1280 screen width * Added help instructions to admin screen for search comparison * Removed debug from search comparison admin screen * Added scrape type to price comparison (was previously only on search comparison) * Removed generic currency symbol, position and scrape type (now per website) = 3.03 = * Fixed occasional ajax error caused by large HTML pages that caused 502 gateway (headers too large) error * Fixed error caused by XMLPath returning elements in Document order rather than 'selector' precedence order