Hide top widget area behind filters button

We provide an additional widget area which lets you place widgets above the archive.

Many people choose to use this for their ‘existing filters’ widgets, but maybe you are placing many filtering widgets in here?

If so, you can choose to hide the widget area behind a Filters button.

How the Filters button looks

Filters button hiding the top widget area

After clicking the button, your filters are revealed

Enabling the Filters button

Visit Settings > Super Speedy Filters > Main and choose to Hide rather than ‘Always show’ and this Filters button will appear.

Customising the Filters button text

To change the text, we use the word ‘Filters’ in the ‘super-speedy-filters’ text domain. If you use Locotranslate or any multilingual plugin, you can alter the text there.

Customising the Filters button appearance

Probably you’d like to change the colour of the button. If so, here is an example to change the background colour and font colour:

button.ssf_show_filters {
  background-color: #55a;

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