Pretty Permalink Order

Drag and drop these options into required permalink order - Super Speedy Filters by Super Speedy Plugins

Set the order in which you want your permalinks to display in the page’s URL. For instance, selecting a product tag first and then a category in this case, the category permalink will still display before the tag. Click and drag to switch the order:

Displaying back-end options to switch order of permalinks - Super Speedy Filters by Super Speedy Plugins

Remove product-category from permalinks

Check this box to shorten the URL by removing, for example, ‘product-category’.

Max Terms

Max terms in canonical URL

Screenshot highlighting the 'Max Terms in Canonical URL' field in Super Speedy Filters settings, with an arrow pointing to the input box where the maximum number of taxonomy terms for canonical URLs can be set.

The “Max Terms in Canonical URL” setting lets you choose the number of category-related terms (like ‘brand’, ‘category’, ‘color’) that show up in the main URL of a webpage. This main URL is what search engines use to understand the primary version of a page when there are several similar ones. By limiting these terms, you help search engines focus on one main page rather than spreading out over many similar ones. This makes your main page more likely to stand out in search results, consolidating your search engine presence.

Max terms indexable

Screenshot showing the 'Max Terms Indexable' field in Super Speedy Filters settings, featuring an arrow indicating the input area for setting the limit on the number of taxonomy terms that search engines can index per page.

The “Max Terms Indexable” setting is about controlling how many terms search engines can use to describe each page. It’s a way to make sure search engines focus on the most important parts of your page. Setting a limit means your page won’t be overwhelmed with too many similar terms, which can confuse search engines and dilute your page’s focus. This helps keep your page’s content clear and relevant in search results, improving how search engines present your page to users.

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