We bought your "Scalability Pro" plugin for our (most probably) "too many Woocommerce product variations" issue…

. asked 3 years ago

I've built the index and eventually turned all the otmizations on.

Our crazy slow loading product cateogy page(s) are still crazy slow.

Just wondering if we may have missed something or you have any advice?

Presently I've only tried to implement and configure your plugin in a local developer environment.

This, however, is the page live.. https://www.hastahome.se/produkt-kategori/gardinerochsolskydd/gardiner/mattillverkade-gardinlangder/

But that live page ^ is not running alongide your plugin and is on an older version of Woocommerce (3.9.3). Unfortunately there's no way I can Stage anything for public view. Additionally you will, of course, run that page not-logged-in and the issue only arises for logged in users.

So I have that live site running locally but, locally, I've updated Woocommerce to 5+ and, obviously, installed and implemented your plugin. Here, locally, even with the updated Woocommerce and your plugin running the page is exactly as slow as live (when logged in live).

So, this is a poor frame for you to do anything or advise anything in, I realise. Still, I thought I'd ask.. see what happened..

In any event, thanks for your time and attention.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

If you have slow product category pages but other pages are fast, Scalability Pro will only speed up the MAIN QUERY.

Typically, on product category or product archive pages, the thing that slows people’s stores down is the shop filters.

Please see https://www.superspeedyplugins.com/2018/06/30/wordpress-performance-quick-start-guide/ for more info, but basically the following Woo stuff is slow:

  • Products on sale shortcodes
  • Bestsellers shortcode
  • Price filter widget
  • Attribute filter widget

If you have any of them on your category pages, probably they’re the cause of your slowdown – since you have a dev/test site, you can test removing the filters to confirm this.

Once you have confirmed that it’s the filters causing the issue, check out my Faster Woo Widgets plugin:


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Super Speedy Plugins