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Remove sort options Error


The Remove Sort Option if change to “Remove sort options (fastest)” will have error on the woocommerce order.

See this video for your reference: https://www.loom.com/share/c30763110c2a448d907fdd27437b6c1e

Can you help fix it?


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Allow searching of multiple post types at once

WordPress makes use of search results templates, for example – product searches return results in a grid whereas posts typically get returned in a list.

This feature request is to provide the ability to search multiple post types at once.

Two features will be developed to achieve this:

1. Allow user to choose search results template for specific search widget and that one template will be used for all combined search results. This may look a little odd if you have posts being returned using the product search results as posts don’t have a price etc.

2. Or return search results with each template on a single page. e.g. if posts and products are selected to be searched in a widget then on results page:

150 articles found matching search string
(then show top X articles using posts template)

120 products found matching search string
(then show top X products using products template)

I still have questions in my mind about how pagination would then work – probably if they hit show more, or use pagination in the articles template then it would move to a page just showing page 2 of articles (and no products any longer). Similarly, if they clicked page 2 on the products template, it would then move to page 2 only using the products template and only showing products.

The browser back button would return the user back to the combined search results page, but if they’re on page 2 of the articles and they use the pagination button to view page 1, it would still just view page 1 of articles only (not combined).

Looking for feedback from users on this so I get it right.


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Add conditional prefix or pattern match check on search string to determine in postmeta should be searched

Super Speedy Search latest updates have made postmeta search even faster than before, about 3 seconds against a million products.

But – 3 seconds is still quite slow, and if you remove the meta search then the SQL query is blindingly fast – negligible load on your server.

It seems in the majority of cases, users are enabling the _SKU meta item to be searched and not really using meta search for anything else. Because of this, I think there may be a sort of cheat I can implement to speed search up further.

What I’m thinking is that many stores will have a prefix or a pattern of some kind for their SKUs –

* Maybe SKUs are always a minimum length?
* Presumably SKUs are always 1 word?
* Maybe SKUs have some kind of pattern – like they always start with WPI or something similar for your store?

What I’m thinking is that I could add a pattern test to the search string to check if postmeta should be searched at all, and if the pattern test fails then skip searching postmeta.

For example, you could configure: WPI* as the pattern for your metadata searches to be activated and then if a user searches for “Dell Monitor” it would skip checking postmeta. If a user searches for WPIX1023 then it *would* search postmeta.

The idea being that this would speed up product search massively for your users who are probably mostly not entering SKUs – I’m presuming again that this addition of SKU search is actually mostly for the benefit of your site admins?

Please provide as much info as possible to help here so I can make Super Speedy Search *even* faster than it already is!


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Scrape multiple variations

On a page where multiple variatons of a product are listed and the CSS pulls out the correct price in response to a user selection, it’s not currently possible to get Price Comparison Pro to pull out all the variations of a product from a single page to populate the database.

So this feature request is for PCP to be able to extract multiple variations from a single page to populate the database.

e.g. https://www.animeddirect.co.uk/metacam-1-5mg-ml-oral-suspension-for-dogs


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Advanced logging feature of scraping process

For Price Comparison Pro, I would like to have a detailed view of which URLs it is trying to scrape but also what happens when it doesn’t scrape a URL or when the scrape process is stuck in an infinite loop.

The details of the scrape logging could also be provide in a .txt or .csv format as we could then be able to pinpoint any faulty URLs.

This allows us to further troubleshoot the scrape process and also provide best practices based on our findings.